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globeCanadian & World Studies

Grade 9

CGC1D - Geography Of Canada (Academic)
CGC1P - Geography Of Canada (Applied)

Grade 10

CHC2D - Canadian History (Academic)
CHC2L - Canadian History (Locally Developed)
CHC2P - Canadian History (Applied)

Grade 11

CLU3M - Understanding Canadian Law (University/College)
CGG3O - Travel and Tourism: A Regional Geographic Perspective (Open)
CHA3U - American History (University)
CHW3M - World History to the Sixteenth Century (University/College)

Grade 12

CLN4U - Canadian & International Law (University)
CGR4M - The Environment and Resource Management  (University/College)
CGW4U - Canadian & World Issues (University)
CHY4C - World History: The West and the World (College)
CHY4U - History: West & World (University)

Saint Michael Catholic High School  •   8699 McLeod Road  •   Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2H 0Z2  •   905 356 5155

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